Attribute Information
  • Properties Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
    Attribute Properties
    Filtering by this attribute will update the product image on catalog page
    Allows use fallback logic for replacing swatch image with product swatch or base image
    Manage Swatch (Values of Your Attribute)
    Is Default Swatch Admin Default Store View  
    Manage Swatch (Values of Your Attribute)
    Is Default Admin Default Store View  
    Manage Options (Values of Your Attribute)
    Is Default Admin Default Store View  
    Advanced Attribute Properties
    This is used internally. Make sure you don't use spaces or more than 60 symbols.
    Declare attribute value saving scope.
    Not shared with other products.
    Select "Yes" to add this attribute to the list of column options in the product grid.
    Select "Yes" to add this attribute to the list of filter options in the product grid.
  • Manage Labels Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
    Manage Titles (Size, Color, etc.)
    Default Store View
  • Storefront Properties Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
    Storefront Properties
    10 is the highest priority/heaviest weighting.
    Can be used only with catalog input type Yes/No, Dropdown, Multiple Select and Price.
    Price is not compatible with 'Filterable (no results)' option - it will make no affect on Price filter.
    Position of attribute in layered navigation block.
    Depends on design theme.
    Depends on design theme.